My Cessna Sim Project

My Cessna Sim Project
To visit my project web site click on the image above or go to:

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Giving Face Book a Try

It would appear that not much has been happening with the project, BUT, nothing could be further from the truth,  It's moving at a good clip and too much has happened to write up a single blog post about.

The real issue is that, as much as I really like the blog tools and formatting capabilities I'm horrible about logging in to make updates.

So, I'm going to be giving it a go with a Facebook page because it tend to spend more time there and I'm hoping I'll be a little better about making updates.

If you'd like to keep following my progress, or maybe better put, actually see me post about my progress, please feel free to like and follow my new page at

If it works out better I probably won't be adding much content here.  If it doesn't, or the lack of format control frustrates me I'll be back...

I hope you decide to like and follow my page.


Happy Holidays!!!


  1. Have been subscribed to your blog for a while now Tom.
    Shifting over to Facebook also, :)


  2. If your FB page will show your sim pit please feel free to send me an invite. It's always interesting to see how others tackle a pit build.
